Branding & Design
McEwen Mining
- Acciona
- Akipeo
- Aligned Capital Partners Inc.
- Argus Wealth Management
- Azarga Uranium
- Cidel 360*
- Diamond Kote
- eSSENTIAL Accessibility
- Gravitas Securities Inc.*
- Julie Dzerowicz MP
- McEwen Mining
- Natixis
- Nobelium Technology Corporation
- NRI Global
- OceanView
- Real Rehab
- SkyX
- Thornmark Asset Management
- Unirope Limited
- University of Waterloo, CIARS
Toronto, Canada
McEwen Mining Inc., a Toronto-based mining powerhouse, has four producing mines located in Nevada, Ontario, Mexico and Argentina and also owns a very large underdeveloped copper deposit in Argentina.
Creative Services:
What started out as a small project, creating iconography for the McEwen Mining website, quickly grew into a complete website redesign project, working in conjunction with Q4 Systems to establish one of the industry’s most informative and leading websites. In addition, we revamped the look and feel of all of their email blasts and e-vites as well as created brand-matching PowerPoint presentations, an animated timeline, and an online store including designing some of its merchandise.